Publish Time: 2022-09-19 Origin: Site
Mesh fabric is generally used in wall decoration as a mesh to increase the strength of wall plaster and to prevent cracks and is generally made of polyester, which is a relatively cheap and affordable jacquard and large jacquard. Next, let's have a look at the production and classification of spacer air mesh fabrics. Here are some answers.
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The production of mesh fabrics is described.
The classification of mesh fabrics is described.
Mesh fabrics can be made from cotton or chemical fiber blended yarns (yarns). Full yarn mesh fabrics are generally made from 14.6 to 13 gauge (40 to 45 counts) yarns, full thread mesh fabrics are made from 13 to 9.7 gauge double-stranded yarns (45 counts/2 to 60 counts/2).
Mesh fabrics are fabrics with small mesh-shaped holes and can be woven using different equipment.
Woven Mesh Fabric
There are generally two methods of weaving woven air mesh fabrics: one uses two sets of warp yarns (ground warp and twisted warp), which are twisted to form a bobbin and interwoven with the weft yarns (see leno organization). The twisted warp is twisted on the left side of the ground warp using a special twisted heald (also called a half heald), and after one (or three, or five) weft casts, twisted to the right side of the ground warp, because the mutual twisting and interweaving of the weft yarns form a mesh-shaped hole with a stable structure, called a leno; the other is the use of jacquard tissue or changes in the method of wearing reeds, warp yarns in groups of three, threaded into a reed tooth, can also be woven with small holes in the fabric surface The other is a variation on the jacquard or reeded method where the warp yarns are threaded in groups of three into a single reed. The woven mesh fabric is available in white or color, as well as in large jacquards, and can be woven in different patterns. The fabric is breathable, and after bleaching and dyeing, it is very cool. In addition to summer clothing, it is particularly suitable for curtains and mosquito nets.
Knitted Mesh Fabric
There are two types of knitted mesh fabric, weft-knitted mesh fabric, and warp knitted mesh fabric, of which warp knitted mesh fabric is generally woven on high-speed warp knitting machines in West Germany. The finished products of knitted mesh fabric include the high stretch mesh, mosquito netting, laundry mesh, luggage mesh, hard mesh, sandwich mesh, kerchief, embroidery mesh, wedding mesh, square mesh, transparent mesh, American mesh, diamond mesh, jacquard mesh, lace and other kinds of Mesh fabric.
HUAHONG WEAVING CO, LTD is located in Changshu, an international city in Jiangsu Province, China. It is close to the highway in the seaport area. It has the advantage of fast and comprehensive sources of industry information and convenient transportation. We offer high-quality Mesh Fabric products, if you are interested in sandwich mesh fabric, you can contact us at, we welcome you and look forward to cooperating with you.
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